Class 1 Oak
Welcome to Oak Class. We are a mixed class of EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2 combined to form the Infant Hub. The children are taught by Mrs Coulson, supported by Mrs Chapman. The teaching assistants are: Miss FriendM and Mrs Grant.
Autumn 1 2024
This term we are learning:
English- Reception children will be focusing on the stories:
Zog, Where the Wild Things are, On the Way Home, Farmer Duck, Aliens Love Underpants, Supertato, Room on the Broom Y1/2 will be focusing on narrative- The Queen’s Hat and recounts- Pizza Express
Maths Reception- Match, sort and compare, Measure and Patterns and It’s me 1,2,3 Maths Y1- Place Value (10), addition and subtraction (10) Maths
Y2- Place Value, addition and subtraction
Science- Materials and their properties
Geography- Exploring the UK
Art and Design- Explore and Draw
PSHE- Me and my Relationships
RE- What does it mean to belong to a faith community?
Computing- Systems and networks- IT
PE Reception- An introduction to ball skills PE Year Y1/2 ball skills
Music- My Musical Heartbeat
Don’t Forget:
PE day is on a Friday. Please remember to send your child in their PE kit. Forest School is on a Friday on a rota basis. Can children please come in their Forest School kit. Parents will be notified when their child is taking part via ClassDojo.
Read, Write Inc
Children will change their reading books on different days, depending on their reading stage. You will be informed of this via ClassDojo. Children should be able to read these books independently. Children are also able to take a book home to share with parents. This may not be a book that they can not read independently . These books can be changed any day and children can do this independently.
EYFS and Year 1 homework: to read 5 times a week and weekly spellings.
Year 2: to read 5 times a week, weekly spellings and maths.
Please remember to label all belongings, so we can return them to their correct owner!
Please look out on ClassDojo where I will post ways you can support your child with their learning. These can also be found in the Oak Class Information Folder on this page.