Welcome to Ash Class. We are a mixed year 3 and 4 class. Our teacher is Miss Flanagan and We are supported by Mrs Somerset and Mrs Knapp.
Autumn 2024:
Our topic this term is 'Stone Age to the Iron Age'.
What are we learning this term?
Maths - place value, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division
English - Stone age boy, Skara Brae, The true story of the three little pigs
Science - Electricity
History - Stone Age to Iron Age
Geography - How land use has changed over time
PSHE - Me and my relationships
RE - Christianity
Art - Sketching and shading
PE - Swimming, outdoor games
Music - Composition
French - simple sentences
Homework will be handed out on Fridays and returned on Wednesdays. This will include one piece of English and Maths that is linked to our learning that week, alongside a selection of year 3 / 4 spellings.
In year 3 and 4 we are passionate about reading which forms a large part of the curriculum.
In class, each day children read independently, and we read as a class.
At home, children are expected to read to an adult regularly and discuss their stories. Adults at home and in school should note when they have listened to a child read by completing the green reading record.
PE is on a Wednesday and Friday. Children need to wear the correct kit to school, including a jumper, as often we do PE outdoors even in cold weather. Long hair must be tied back. No jewellery please. Sun hats and cream are very useful.