Bamford Primary School

(The Peak Federation)

'A Safe Place to Grow'      

Why choose Bamford Primary School?    

Watch our video here

Please contact us if you are looking for a primary school place for your child. We are happy to show you around and answer any questions you may have.



Bamford Primary School is a thriving school at the hub of our local community in the Hope Valley.

Committed parents, hard working staff and motivated children work in partnership to ensure we continue to reach the highest standards across a broad and balanced curriculum.

Bamford School is a Derbyshire County Council Primary School and provides education for children between the ages of 5 and 11 (with some provision for children under 5).

Welcome Booklet


Ofsted Good

It is official. We are a 'Good' school. Please see the link below to read the full report

Bamford Primary School Ofsted Inspection Report April 2022



Primary Science Quality Mark Awarded

We are a National Online Safety Certified School




June 2023

We are delighted to have been awarded a Bronze Standard in the Derbyshire BERT (Building Effective Relationships Together) Award.


This is in recognition for our ongoing work in PSHE and our commitment to quality Relationships and Sex education. The team at Bamford are very proud of this achievement. 







01433 651267



Please note that Bamford Primary School operates a CCTV system, that covers the external grounds of the school. Any enquires should be directed to the headteacher.


page last updated on 22/11/2024


web design by killer-byte

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