Bamford Primary School Governors

We regularly recruit for new school governors.  Please ask at the office for further information or an informal chat if you are interested in becoming a governor.

School Governance

The Peak Federation Governing Board Members

Head Teacher – Kate Gemmell 

LA Governor – vacant

Staff Governor – Jen Chapman  

Parent Governor 1 – Ben Carter  

Parent Governor 2 – Tom Hodgson 

Co-Opted Governor 1 – Edward Allaway

Co-Opted Governor 2 – Elizabeth Coe 

Co-Opted Governor 3 – Gordan Danks 

Co-Opted Governor 4 – Carolyn Downes 

Co-Opted Governor 5 – John Irwin 

Co-Opted Governor 6 – Holly Moore 

Co-Opted Governor 7 - Neil Roden  CHAIR 

Co-Opted Governor 8 – Christina Webster VICE CHAIR 


Beccy Ibbotson (Clerk to Governors)

Carol Stoddart (Clerk to Governors)


School governors are volunteers who help to run the school. Most schools work with a group of school governors - together they’re called the 'governing body'. They’re involved in decisions about all aspects of managing the school – such as running buildings and budgets, supporting staff and setting standards of school discipline. Governors also help to make big decisions about the school’s long-term goals. They support headteachers, but also ask questions and make sure the headteacher is taking the school in the right direction.

Here are the email addresses of the chair and vice chair of The Peak Federation (which includes Bamford Primary School):


Chair of Governors

Neil Roden


Vice Chair of Governors

Christina Webster

Resources Committee

This is a subcommittee of the FGB, with delegated tasks relating to Safeguarding, Health & Safety, Premises and Financial management. It meets termly. There are separate resources committees for Bamford Primary School and Grindleford Primary School.


Curriculum, Teaching & Learning Committee

This is a subcommittee of the FGB with delegated tasks relating to the Curriculum (Intent, Implementation and Impact) through reviewing the school's approaches to teaching, learning and assessment. In particularly, this board also has a remit to ensure that vulnerable children are fully supported so that they may have any disadvantages diminished. This includes having a particular interest in the needs of our pupils with special educational needs (SEND) and/or those in receipt of Pupil Premium Grant.

Historical information is available on request from the office.


Consultation on the Proposal to Federate

Consultation document outlining the proposal to form a federation between Bamford Grindleford Primary School.pdf

Proposal to Federate Document.pdf


06/07/2023 Letter from Chair of Governors regarding the outcome of the consultation

Dear All,

Following votes at Full Governing Body meetings at both Grindleford and Bamford we are pleased to announce that the decision has been made to form a federation of the two schools.

The consultation responses, summary attached, were useful and again we thank those who responded.  The governors are conscious that although the majority of stakeholders were supportive there are those who were not and we will be mindful of the various views expressed.

The target date for the federation commencing is 1 January 2024, on which date the existing governing boards will be disbanded.  During the autumn term the new federation governing body will be formed, which will involve elections of the parent/carer and staff governors.

We would like to thank Mrs Gemmell and the staff at both schools for all of their hard work since the collaboration began in September 2022 and look forward to building upon this as we go forward.


Governing Board Diversity Indicators 

The Governing Board Diversity Review was completed in the Summer Term 2023. This is available for inspection upon request. Contact Carol Stoddart, Clerk to Governors at

Link to Governor Information:

- Governing board meeting dates and attendance

- The Governors' Handbook  (including Terms of Reference, Instrument of Government, Mission Statements, Membership, Roles and Committee framework) 

- Register of Pecuniary Interests





page last updated on 06/09/2024


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