Curriculum - the subject areas

National Curriculum Framework  

Early Years Framework 2021 

Agreed Derbyshire Syllabus Religious Education. Please contact Mrs Chapman for further information.

Curriculum Planning

Oak Class Curriculum 2023-2024

Ash Class Curriculum 2023-2024

Willow Class Curriculum 2023-2024

Our curriculum generally works on a 2 year cycle to accommodate mixed age classes. English, maths and science are taught independently but staff make links across the curriculum and particularly to topic work where it is appropriate and helpful to do so.

Each topic theme is taught in class and is differentiated to meet age and individual objectives for learning. Staff are actively encouraged to link Art and DT to their topic whenever appropriate and to provide relevance. In order to personalise the topic curriculum, children are invited to input into the curriculum design, to reflect local interests and knowledge whilst ensuring that the requirements of the national curriculum are met.

The school curriculum is revisited regularly to meet the needs of the current cohorts and the class structures in school.


Phonics - We use the Read Write Inc phonics scheme of work, which is an approved synthetic phonics syllabus throughout EYFS and KS1.  Children who have completed this, transfer onto the Spelling Scheme (see below).

Writing- We follow the Jane Considine English unit plans, that we adapt to fit in with our mixed age classes. 

Spelling - We use the Jane Considine Spelling Books for Years 2-6, adapted by our teachers to meet the needs of the individual pupils in their classes.

Reading - In EYFS and KS1 we use Read Write Inc. From Y3 upwards, when ready, children use the Accelerated Reading scheme. This ensures that all children continue to read age and stage appropriate books using 'real' texts and that teachers receive supporting feedback to help them plan for progress.  For further information, please contact to Mrs Coulson.


The school teaches the National Curriculum for Maths 2014. We use the White Rose Hub planning resources and a range of other resources to support delivery of Maths teaching. We have been working as a cluster to ensure a Mastery approach to learning maths with a strong focus on Mathematical reasoning. Please contact Mr Friend for further information.


We use The New Model Music: Keystage 1-3 to inform our music planning. This is supplemented by weekly sessions for KS2 with Mrs Taylor.


British Values

As part of a broad and balanced curriculum, schools are required to promote the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils. This includes actively promoting fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.  Click HERE to view further DfE information

Click HERE to see how we teach British Values in our school.  For further information, please contact Mrs Chapman. information.

Science Curriculum

In 2015, the school bid for and received an ‘Intensive ENTHUSE’ award from the British Science Association through their STEM work. The funds provided enabled the school to access consultant-led CPD support. As part of this work, we have reviewed our teaching and created a 2-year teaching cycle to teach the new national curriculum. In doing so, we invested significantly in CPD for teachers to ensure that they were able to engage all learners well in science subjects and can accurately assess student progress. The Science curriculum is available to view in full here.  This curriculum is incorporated into the curriculum maps above and children are taught in Key Stage groups for science. For further information, please see Mrs Gemmell.  

In 2019 the school was accredited for the Primary Science Quality Mark and were awarded Gilt Status, in recognition of our commitment to excellence in Science Education.  




page last updated on 17/05/2024


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